I can't believe that Ellie will be 5 weeks old tomorrow, crazy. She had a check up a few weeks ago and is growing like a weed. She weighs 6 lbs. 2 oz and was 18 and 1/4 in. long. She is healthy and growing well. She has started sleeping a little bit longer at night, of course we love that. She usually wakes up around 3 and then again around 6 or 7. Cory usually wakes up with her at 3 and then I get up with her around 7. I guess we could really say that she is only getting up once if I was used to getting out of bed before 8. She is starting to look around more and smile. The other day we went to get Brylee from her nap and when we walked in Brylee was so excited to see her. She calls her Boo (because I call her Ellie Boo) and when she said Boo, Ellie just started smiling, it was really cute.
This is our little Ellie, I don't think she like me taking pictures of her.
I don't think Ellie likes her stomach very much. She acts like Brylee in many ways.
Brylee is also growing and adjusting to being a big sister. She also had a doctors appt. a few weeks ago for her 18 month check up. She weighs 21 lbs. and is 32 in. long. She is developing well and doing the things she should at this age as well as some others. She is talking like crazy and enjoys copying whatever we say. Some of her favorite words are Hi, Bye, Boo, Mom, Dad, Puppy, Book, Some, More, Ya, No, Momm-Ew (this is grandma) Papa, Sissy, Ty (this is for Tyler, Angela's Son but we are trying to get her ready for Tyler to come home from Japan), and pat pat. There are many more words, but those are some of the ones that she says on regular basis. She loves milk, fruit snacks, eggo waffles, pop tarts, eggs, bread (any type), beans (we are in trouble with this one), lunch meat, juice, chicken noodle soup, and of course treats. She is definitely her fathers daughter when it comes to treats. Cory feeds her treats a lot more than I do and so he is the favorite since he gives them to her when she wants them. She also is doing some things that aren't so fun screaming and making messes. She only does the screaming thing at home and I am hoping that she will grow out of this. I sometimes think she screams when she is trying to say something because she isn't quite sure what word to use. However, she is still cute and we are loving every minute with her. One of her favorite things is nap time, she still naps for 3 to 4 hours a day and then sleeps about 10-11 hours a night. I guess she must be growing a lot because she needs lots of sleep.
Brylee loves this pillow (boppy) and she hates if I let Ellie have it.
Brylee loves to read books and eat her "cookies!"This is Brylee's favorite toy (the cell phone). We always laugh because she can always find our cell phones no matter where we hide them. It is like she has secret cell phone sense.
I am busy keeping up with everything and also realizing how hard two kids can be. Everyone always mentioned how things get crazy when you add another child and I never believed them, but now I know. I am constantly changing diapers, doing laundry, feeding one child or the other, cleaning, or playing with the girls. I am exhausted at the end of the day and am seriously wondering how I am doing to do when I go back to school next week. I am excited to get back into my classroom and at the same time I hope that my health is ready for me to be back.
Cory stays busy with work as well as being one of the greatest dads ever. He works so hard to make me happy as well as the girls. He is such a great help from the minute he gets home and I consider myself extremely grateful. I know that I am lucky to have such a supportive husband, I love him.
I found this picture and so I had to share because this is what keeps me on my toes during the day. If I set Ellie down for one second, Brylee is trying to hold her or kiss her. She makes me laugh. We had to put the bouncer inside the pack n play so that Brylee doesn't attack her. However, it is fun to watch how much she loves her.
Adorable pictures!! Time flies!
your girls are so cute! we need to come see you guys.
How cute Melissa! Motherhood is quite the journey huh?
I love the picture of Brylee kissing Ellie. So cute!!
Now that you have two kids...isn't it sooo much fun! I love the picture of Brylee kissing Ellie...she loves her lil' sister!
So sweet! :D
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